Which Package is Right for You?

  • This robust deep dive into how you show up will be transformative to your career. I will interview 8-10 stakeholders and provide you with an in-depth report. We will meet for 6 sessions, setting goals and digging deep into the most impactful way to accomplish them. You will immediately begin to change your impact. This is one of my most popular programs.

  • Your Leader has been moved to a new role. You have full faith in their skill set, but do they? Maximize their confidence and performance from the get-go with a 6 month coaching program so they can hit the ground running. Investing in their performance early on will accelerate their performance exponentially and the leverage will extend to the entire team.

  • The way your leaders connect to your clients, their reports, their boss, and your stakeholders sets the tone for the entire organization. When things go wrong, the quality of that connection makes the difference between full scale disaster, and manageable crisis. We will work with your organization’s strategy and values as the context, and help your leader to deepen their relationships at every turn. The long term results will be meaningful to the whole team.

  • You are ready to form a new team, and want to ensure its success. We can work with your leader to launch the best group with all the right conditions to lead to a functional and results-oriented team. We will work with you at the first inklings of the need for a team, at the mid-point of a calendar process, and as it wraps up to improve your results in a repeatable way.

  • You have hired a new leader from another firm, or perhaps just another business unit. The group dynamics and culture are different, and your leader needs to find their sweet spot. Working with a coach will accelerate that path so that they can have the maximum impact in the shortest amount of time.